(Q) I need to retrieve path and filename of the external databases
from which I've linked various tables, sort of doing a Currentdb.Name on all
attached databases. How can I do this?
(A) Directly from Access Help file on the topic,
Connect Property:
Sets or returns a value that provides information about the source of an open connection,
an open database, a database used in a pass-through query, or a linked table. For Database
objects, new Connection objects, linked tables, and TableDef objects not yet appended to a
collection, this property setting is read/write. For QueryDef objects and base tables,
this property is read-only.
As a test, run the sListPath sub in your
database. Note that for local tables, a blank line, and for linked tables, the path
to their parent database will be printed out in the Debug window.
For general usage, pass individual
table names to fGetLinkPath function.
Function fGetLinkPath(strTable As String) As String
Dim dbs As Database, stPath As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb()
On Error Resume Next
stPath = dbs.TableDefs(strTable).Connect
If stPath = "" Then
fGetLinkPath = vbNullString
fGetLinkPath = right(stPath, Len(stPath) _
- (InStr(1, stPath, "DATABASE=") + 8))
End If
Set dbs = Nothing
End Function
Sub sListPath()
Dim loTd As TableDef
For Each loTd In CurrentDb.TableDefs
Debug.Print fGetLinkPath(loTd.Name)
Next loTd
Set loTd = Nothing
End Sub