If someone wants to fix column names produced by a crosstab query, they can use Column
Headings property of such a crosstab ( from its property sheet, in design
view). You just put in it the name of the columns you want to get, like "JAN",
"FEB", "MAC", "APR", ... and if you have typed MAC, you will
NOT get a column MAR, for March, and you WILL get an column MAC, probably full of NULLs.
Setting the Column Headings will force the XTab query to produce the columns names you
give, even if a column is all empty, and it will produce ONLY those.
Sometimes, it is not possible to use a Fixed Column Headings with the crosstab because
the values in the source table, producing the column name in the crosstab, are continually
changing. Unfortunately, some "fixed" names may be required for a form, a chart,
a report... or for some other manipulation.
A possible solution, in that case, is to create a query between the form (chart,
report) requiring fixed field name, and the crosstab. That query will just ALIAS
(using the keyword As) the "variable" field name to a
"constant" name schema:
SELECT XTab1 As F1, XTab2 As F2, ... FROM XTab;
where F1, F2, ... will be the constant names and XTab1 is a field name produced by the
If you assign that SQL string statement as a rowsource for a form, the form can then
use the CONSTANT fields NAME:
F1, F2, ...
Plain and simple.
The problem left is to build that SQL string. We cannot walk the fields collection of
the crosstab, that may be too expensive to run the XTab query just for that purpose.
Fortunately, the fields name that will be produced by the crosstab are, in fact, actual VALUES
in a "pivot" field from a pivot table. Whatever PIVOT may bring
to your mind, for now, it is enough to be just a "word" that appears in the text
of the crosstab SQL statement; you should see both the table and the field after the
keyword PIVOT, near the end of the query (in SQL view), like:
.... PIVOT TableName.FieldName;
Easy. If this is the case, you can easily get the string for the
ie: SELECT XTab1 As F1, XTab2 As F2, ...
from either one of the following program (the second function is only usable from
Access 2000 ), which basically use some sort of concatenation like:
Debug.Print DAO_MakeSQLCoverQueryFor("FieldName", "TableName",
Public Function DAO_MakeSQLCoverQueryFor(TableName As String, _
FieldName As String, _
XTableName As String) As String
Dim W As String
Dim i As Long
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DISTINCT " & FieldName _
& " FROM " & TableName & ";")
rst.Move 0
W = ""
i = 1
Do Until rst.EOF
W = W & rst(FieldName) & " As F" & i & ", "
i = i + 1
W = Left$(W, Len(W) - 2)
W = "SELECT " & W & " FROM " & XTableName & ";"
DAO_MakeSQLCoverQueryFor = W
End Function
Public Function MakeSQLCoverQueryFor(TableName As String, _
FieldName As String, _
XTableName As String) As String
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentProject.Connection.Execute( _
"SELECT DISTINCT " & FieldName & " FROM " _
& TableName, , adCmdText)
rst.Move 0
W = ""
i = 1
Do Until rst.EOF
W = W & rst(FieldName) & " As F" & i & ", "
i = i + 1
W = Left$(W, Len(W) - 2)
W = "SELECT " & W & " FROM " & XTableName & ";"
Set rst = Nothing
MakeSQLCoverQueryFor = W
End Function
Now, if the SQL statement of your crosstab has a pivot clause different from the plain
and simple....
PIVOT TableName.PivotName
you have to make the appropriate changes to the line of code:
"SELECT DISTINCT " & FieldName .
..As an example, if it is
...PIVOT TableName.Format(FieldName, "mmm")
then, in the program, use:
"SELECT DISTINCT " & Format(FieldName, "mmm") & .