(Q) I need to concatenate a field in the format "Value1; Value2;
Value3" etc. for each unique value of another field in the same table. How can
I do this?
(A) Using the fConcatFld function, in the Northwind database,
the following query should return a concatenated list of all CustomerIDs if you group by
SELECT ContactTitle,
AS Customers FROM Customers GROUP BY ContactTitle;
Function fConcatFld(stTable As String, _
stForFld As String, _
stFldToConcat As String, _
stForFldType As String, _
vForFldVal As Variant) _
As String
Dim lodb As Database, lors As Recordset
Dim lovConcat As Variant, loCriteria As String
Dim loSQL As String
Const cQ = """"
On Error GoTo Err_fConcatFld
lovConcat = Null
Set lodb = CurrentDb
loSQL = "SELECT [" & stFldToConcat & "] FROM ["
loSQL = loSQL & stTable & "] WHERE "
Select Case stForFldType
Case "String":
loSQL = loSQL & "[" & stForFld & "] =" & cQ & vForFldVal & cQ
Case "Long", "Integer", "Double":
loSQL = loSQL & "[" & stForFld & "] = " & vForFldVal
Case Else
GoTo Err_fConcatFld
End Select
Set lors = lodb.OpenRecordset(loSQL, dbOpenSnapshot)
With lors
If .RecordCount <> 0 Then
Do While Not .EOF
lovConcat = lovConcat & lors(stFldToConcat) & "; "
GoTo Exit_fConcatFld
End If
End With
fConcatFld = Left(lovConcat, Len(lovConcat) - 2)
Set lors = Nothing: Set lodb = Nothing
Exit Function
MsgBox "Error#: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume Exit_fConcatFld
End Function