If you have custom DLLs created in VB 6 or VB 5, you might get
error 53 (file not found) in the declare statement itself.
Private Declare Function fDLLFunction Lib "C:\My Documents\DLLs\SomeDLL.DLL"
(Byval strParam1 as string, lngParam2 as Long) as long
This is caused by a missing Dependency file (runtime files) on your
machine that's required by the DLL. The error message "File Not Found" is not
being generated by the DLL file itself, but Access since it cannot locate the other
required DLLs.
To find out if the DLL has any dependencies, you can use one
of these two methods.
- Download Dependency
Walker Search your hard drive for any dependent files and make sure they exist and are
- Use Windows NT's QuickView utility to view the DLL's Import Table.
All dependent files should be listed here. Note that Windows 95 and 98
versions of the QuickView utility do not allow you to view this