(Q) Whenever I try to start Access 95, I keep getting the error message
" Microsoft Access can't start the data
access object (DAO) and so it can't continue."
I've tried uninstalling, reinstalling Access/Office but still it doesn't go away. How
can I fix this?
(A) This problem usually comes up if you've installed Office 97 without uninstalling
Access 95. While Access 95 and Access 97 can co-exist on the same pc, sometimes the Access
dlls get mismatched to the wrong Office version.
To fix this error, follow these steps:
(Ignore this step if you already have the file.)
Copy/Expand the file to your Windows\System directory.
From Start Menu and run, type the following command
Regsvr32 c:\progra~1\common~1\micros~1\dao\dao3032.dll
Usually, this fixes the problem. However if the error message doesn't go away, then
follow the steps as they're described at the following URL for uninstalling and
reinstalling Access 7.0 again.