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Modules: Envoyer un Email en utilisant  CDO/Outlook 98

Dev Ashish

Envoyer un courriel en utilisant  CDO/Outlook 98.

Avec une référence active à la nouvelle bibliothèque (library) CDO disponible avec Outlook 98,   on peut maintenant envoyer du courrier électronique depuis  Access 97.

Voici un module de classe qui automatise le tout pour vous. Ne pas oublier de demander la référence (menu: tools, References... ) à Microsoft CDO 1.21, puis, couper-coller le code dans un module de classe.

Download    Télécharger MAPIStuff.Zip (50,488 bytes).  Access 97.

'**************** Usage Example Start ****************
Sub TestMAPIEmail()
Dim clMAPI As clsMAPI
    Set clMAPI = New clsMAPIEmail
    With clMAPI
        .MAPISetMessageBody = "Test Message"
        .MAPISetMessageSubject = "Some Test"
        .MAPIAddRecipient stPerson:="", _
                                    intAddressType:=1         'To
        .MAPIAddRecipient stPerson:="Dev Ashish", _
                                    intAddressType:=2         'cc
        .MAPIAddRecipient stPerson:="", _
                                    intAddressType:=3         'bcc

        .MAPIAddAttachment "C:\temp\Readme.doc", "Jet Readme"
        .MAPIAddAttachment stFile:="C:\config.sys"

        .MAPISendMessage boolSaveCopy:=False
    End With
End Sub
'**************** Usage Example End ****************

'**************** Class Start ***********************
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Private mobjSession As MAPI.Session
Private mobjMessage As Message
Private mboolErr As Boolean
Private mstStatus As String
Private mobjNewMessage As Message

Private Const mcERR_DOH = vbObjectError + 10000
Private Const mcERR_DECIMAL = 261144    'low word order +1000

Public Sub MAPIAddMessage()
    With mobjSession
        Set mobjNewMessage = .Outbox.Messages.Add
    End With
End Sub

Public Sub MAPIUpdateMessage()
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    mboolErr = False
End Sub

Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    On Error Resume Next
    Set mobjMessage = Nothing
    Set mobjSession = Nothing
End Sub

Public Property Let MAPISetMessageBody(stBodyText As String)
    If Len(stBodyText) > 0 Then mobjNewMessage.Text = stBodyText
End Property

Public Property Let MAPISetMessageSubject(stSubject As String)
    If Len(stSubject) > 0 Then mobjNewMessage.Subject = stSubject
End Property

Public Property Get MAPIIsError() As Boolean
    MAPIIsError = mboolErr
End Property

Public Property Get MAPIRecipientCount() As Integer
    MAPIRecipientCount = mobjNewMessage.Recipients.Count
End Property

Public Sub MAPIAddAttachment(stFile As String, _
                        Optional stLabel As Variant)
Dim objAttachment As Attachment
Dim stMsg As String

    On Error GoTo Error_MAPIAddAttachment

    If mboolErr Then Err.Raise mcERR_DOH
    If Len(Dir(stFile)) = 0 Then Err.Raise mcERR_DOH + 10

    mstStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Adding Attachments...")

    If IsMissing(stLabel) Then stLabel = CStr(stFile)

    With mobjNewMessage
        .Text = " " & mobjNewMessage.Text
        Set objAttachment = .Attachments.Add
        With objAttachment
            .Position = 0
            .Name = stLabel
            'no need to link a file me thinks
            .Type = CdoFileData
            .ReadFromFile stFile
        End With
    End With

    Set objAttachment = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    mboolErr = True
    If Err = mcERR_DOH + 10 Then
        stMsg = "Couldn't locate the file " & vbCrLf
        stMsg = stMsg & "'" & stFile & "'." & vbCrLf
        stMsg = stMsg & "Please check the file name and path and try again."
        MsgBox stMsg, vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "File Not Found"
    ElseIf Err <> mcERR_DOH Then
        MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
    End If
    Resume Exit_MAPIAddAttachment
End Sub

Public Sub MAPIAddRecipient(stPerson As String, intAddressType As Integer)
Dim objNewRecipient As Recipient 'local

    On Error GoTo Error_MAPIAddRecipient
    mstStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Adding Recipients...")

    If mboolErr Then Err.Raise mcERR_DOH

    'If there's no SMTP present in the stPerson var, then
    'we have to use Name, else Address
    With mobjNewMessage
        If InStr(1, stPerson, "SMTP:") > 0 Then
            Set objNewRecipient = .Recipients.Add(Address:=stPerson, _
            Set objNewRecipient = .Recipients.Add(Name:=stPerson, _
        End If
    End With

    Set objNewRecipient = Nothing
    Exit Sub

    mboolErr = True
    Resume Exit_MAPIAddRecipient
End Sub

Public Sub MAPISendMessage(Optional boolSaveCopy As Variant, _
                            Optional boolShowDialog As Variant)

    mstStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Sending message...")
    If IsMissing(boolSaveCopy) Then
        boolSaveCopy = True
    End If
    If IsMissing(boolShowDialog) Then
        boolShowDialog = False
    End If

    mobjNewMessage.Send savecopy:=boolSaveCopy, showdialog:=boolShowDialog
End Sub

Public Sub MAPILogon()
On Error GoTo err_sMAPILogon
Const cERROR_USERCANCEL = -2147221229

    mstStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Login....")
    Set mobjSession = CreateObject("MAPI.Session")

    Exit Sub

    mboolErr = True
        MsgBox "Logon Failed", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Error"
    ElseIf Err = cERROR_USERCANCEL Then
        MsgBox "Aborting since you pressed cancel.", _
                vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Operatoin Cancelled!"
        MsgBox "Error number " & Err - mcERR_DECIMAL & " description. " _
                & Error$(Err)
    End If
    Resume exit_sMAPILogon
End Sub

Public Sub MAPILogoff()
On Error GoTo err_sMAPILogoff
    mstStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, "Logging off...")

    Set mobjNewMessage = Nothing
    Set mobjSession = Nothing
    mstStatus = SysCmd(acSysCmdClearStatus)
    Exit Sub

    Resume exit_sMAPILogoff
End Sub
'**************** Class End  ***********************

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