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APIs: L'heure, celle du serveur NT

Dev Ashish

L'heure, celle du serveur NT.

    Pour obtenir l'heure tel que connue sur le serveur NT, on peut utiliser la fonction API NetRemoteTOD (TimeOfDay) .

Note: NetRemoteTOD, de même que quelques autres fonction de l'API, n'existe que sous l'environnement Windows NT. Ce code ne fonctionnera PAS sous Windows 95 or 98.

'*************** Code Start ****************
  tod_elapsedt As Long  'le nombre de secondes _
                        depuis 00:00:00, January 1, 1970.
  tod_msecs As Long     'le nombre de millisecondes _
                        depuis un point arbitraire _
                        (system reset).
  tod_hours As Long     'l'heure locale (0-23)
  tod_mins  As Long     'la minute (0-59)
  tod_secs  As Long     'la seconde (0-59)
  tod_hunds  As Long    'le centième de seconde (0-99).
  tod_timezone  As Long 'TZ (time zone) du serveur, en minutes depuis UTC
  tod_tinterval  As Long 'Interval de chaque clic d'horloge _
                        Cet entier représente _
                        un dixième de milliseconde _
                         (0.0001 seconde).
  tod_day  As Long      'le jour du mois (1-31).
  tod_month  As Long    'le mois de l'année (1-12).
  tod_year  As Long     'l'année
  tod_weekday As Long   'le premier jour de la semaine, 0 pour dimanche
End Type

Private Declare Function apiNetRemoteTOD Lib "netapi32" _
  Alias "NetRemoteTOD" _
  (ByVal UncServerName As String, _
  BufferPtr As Long) _
  As Long
Private Declare Sub sapiCopyMemory Lib "kernel32" _
  Alias "RtlMoveMemory" _
  (hpvDest As Any, _
  hpvSource As Any, _
  ByVal cbCopy As Long)

Public Function fGetServerTime(ByVal strServer As String) As String
'Name:            fGetServerTime [NT SEULEMENT] (Function)
'Purpose:         Retourne l'heure du jour d'un serveur NT
'Author:          Dev Ashish
'Date:            Monday, January 11, 1999
'Called by:       Any
'Calls:           NetRemoteTOD, RtlMoveMemory
'Inputs:          Name of NT Server in \\ServerName format
'Returns:         Time of day for the NT Server
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim tSvrTime As TIME_OF_DAY_INFO, lngRet As Long
Dim lngPtr As Long
Dim strOut As String
Dim intHoursDiff As Integer
Dim intMinsDiff As Integer
  If Not Left$(strServer, 2) = "\\" Then _
    Err.Raise vbObjectError + 5000

  strServer = StrConv(strServer, vbUnicode)
  lngRet = apiNetRemoteTOD(strServer, lngPtr)
  If Not lngRet = 0 Then Err.Raise vbObjectError + 5001
  Call sapiCopyMemory(tSvrTime, ByVal lngPtr, Len(tSvrTime))
  With tSvrTime
    intHoursDiff = .tod_timezone \ 60
    intMinsDiff = .tod_timezone Mod 60
    strOut = .tod_month & "/" & .tod_day & "/" _
       & .tod_year & " "
    If .tod_hours > 12 Then
      strOut = strOut & Format(.tod_hours - 12 - intHoursDiff, "00") _
        & ":" & Format$(.tod_mins - intMinsDiff, "00") & ":" _
       & Format$(.tod_secs, "00") & " PM"
      strOut = strOut & Format(.tod_hours - intHoursDiff, "00") _
        & ":" & Format$(.tod_mins - intMinsDiff, "00") & ":" _
       & Format$(.tod_secs, "00") & " AM"
    End If
  End With
  fGetServerTime = strOut
  Exit Function
  fGetServerTime = vbNullString
  Resume ExitHere
End Function
'**************** Code End *****************

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