(Q) How can I have my report print only the records that I select in
a multi-select listbox?
(A) One of the ways would be to enumerate the ItemsSelected
collection and modify the report's underlying Query to reflect the selections.
For example, I have a listbox (multiselect of course) on a
form along with a text field txtCriteria. The bound column in listbox is an
Autonumber field. Then I have a button which creates the Criteria, sets the txtCriteria on
form to this value (purely for viewing, you can directly pass it to the query), changes
the SQL of QueryDef, and opens the query itself. The code looks something like this
Private Sub btnTestQuery_Click()
Dim vItm As Variant
Dim stWhat As String
Dim stCriteria As String
Dim stSQL As String
Dim loqd As QueryDef
stWhat = "": stCriteria = ","
For Each vItm In Me!mslbxTest.ItemsSelected
stWhat = stWhat & Me!mslbxTest.ItemData(vItm)
stWhat = stWhat & stCriteria
Next vItm
Me!txtCriteria = CStr(left$(stWhat, Len(stWhat) - Len(stCriteria)))
Set loqd = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("qryMultiSelTest")
stSQL = "SELECT EmployeeID, LastName, FirstName, TitleOfCourtesy, "
stSQL = stSQL & "Title FROM Employees WHERE EmployeeID"
stSQL = stSQL & " IN (" & Me!txtCriteria & ")"
loqd.SQL = stSQL
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qryMultiSelTest"
End Sub