(Q) When I run Mailmerge from Microsoft Word against an Access
database, a new instance of Access is started. How can I prevent this?
(A) Word Mailmerge uses DDE to find a window with the title
"Microsoft Access". In Access 95 and 97, if you set an Application
Title (under Tools/Startup), this title replaces the caption Microsoft Access and
the DDE link is unable to find any instances of Access running. Therefore, it (Word)
starts a new instance of Access and tries to open the source database.
The only proper workaround this is to
a - Remove the Application Title for the database.
b - Use ODBC to bypass Access and handle the tables directly for the data.
However, in a large majority of cases, temporarily setting the
database title back to "Microsoft Access" also works. Try this function
before changing the strategy to ODBC.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Dim mstAppTitle As String
Function fSetAccessCaption() As Boolean
Dim dbs As Database
Const cPropNotExit = 3270
Set dbs = CurrentDb
On Error Resume Next
mstAppTitle = dbs.Properties("AppTitle")
If Err = cPropNotExit Then
fSetAccessCaption = False
dbs.Properties("AppTitle") = "Microsoft Access"
fSetAccessCaption = True
End If
End Function
Sub sRestoreTitle()
CurrentDb.Properties("AppTitle") = mstAppTitle
End Sub
Function fMailMerge()
Dim objWord As Word.Document
Dim stMergeDoc As String
If fSetAccessCaption Then
On Error Resume Next
stMergeDoc = "J:\install\Access mdbs\mailmerge.doc"
Set objWord = GetObject(stMergeDoc, "Word.Document")
objWord.Application.Visible = True
objWord.MailMerge.OpenDataSource _
Name:=CurrentDb.Name, _
LinkToSource:=True, _
Connection:="TABLE Customers", _
SQLStatement:="Select * from [Customers]"
Call sRestoreTitle
End If
End Function